Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Barry M - Croc Effects

Hello everyone! 
I just received this Barry M Croc Effects, and I must say I already love it! 
I used it with Ciate 019 Mojito as base color. 

Application is very easy. You put on the polish you want underneath your Barry M Croc Effects - in my case the light green Mojito by Ciate. You wait until the polish is a little dry - NOT completely dry cause then the Croc Effect wont work - and then you cover the polish with Barry M Croc Effects. Not too thin a layer because then the cracks will be totally tiny. After some minutes your nails are Croc designed!

It is always a little exciting to see how the pattern turns out. I had to remove the polish from my middle finger twice, first time because I had put too thin a layer of Barry M Croc Effects on it and second time because I didn't wait long enough for Ciate's Mojito to dry before putting Croc Effects on!

I think it will look great with a blue polish as base color aswell! I will try someday in the future to put some different colors underneath. I love it! What do you think?

- Marie 

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Hej allesammen! Jeg har lige fået denne Barry M croc effects med posten, og jeg elsker den allerede! Jeg har brugt Ciate 019 Mojito under den.
Applikation er meget nemt: Du tager den neglelak på, som du vil have under Croc Effects - i mit tilfælde Ciate Mojito. Vent til den er tørret lidt, men den må ikke være HELT tør, og put så Croc Effects ovenpå. Ikke for tyndt en lag, for så bliver revnerne alt for små. Efter et par minutter har du krokodille mønstrede negle! 
Jeg tror også det vil se rigtig pænt ud med en blå neglelak som base istedet for den grønne..jeg vil prøve engang i den nærmeste fremtid med nogle forskelllige farver neglelak under. Hvad synes I? :)
- Marie 


  1. Ohh that is totally fun, I love how it looks on your nails.

    1. Thank you! I think everyone should get this! It's definitely one of my new favorites, but of course, I say that about all of my new polishes!

    2. Haha me too, I think about half of my polishes are my favorites. I like to think it's because they are different colours so I am allowed to have favorites in each colour ;)


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